Erin Loree

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Loree works intuitively and expressively with oil on canvas. Her work explores the chaotic internal life and psychological layers of the individual. It reflects a humanistic approach to image-making as she abandons the rational mind in order to cultivate the natural and unruly. She does not concern herself with the physical world, but strives to express directly and purely the depth of a person through paint. Her bold and somewhat absurd colour palette evokes seemingly contradictory emotions as the viewer is confronted with her familiar yet unsettling portraits. Her work suggests that inside we are all lost at sea, riding the turbulent waves of human emotion.

Erin Loree is a Toronto based artist from Gananoque, Ontario. Specializing in Drawing and Painting, Loree is currently completing her final year at the Ontario College of Art and Design University. Through OCADU’s Off-Campus Studies Program, she spent a year studying abroad in Florence, Italy. She has exhibited in various galleries in Toronto, Gananoque, Florence, and Serbia, and has been the recipient of numerous awards and scholarships from OCADU. Upon completion of her degree in 2012, Loree will begin a six-month artist residency at the Sachaqa Art Center in San Roque De Cumbaza, Peru.

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